We are now opening selected Blind Boxes on the Otaku House Kuji Show This works just like the regular Kuji, but these babies comes in Blind Boxes There are 6 Rilakkuma prizes to be won!I ordered this as a preorder and it shipped surprisingly fast considering it was from japan! Pokemon fans have yet another way to celebrate its 25th anniversary, as ReMent just released a new line of stained glass Pokemon figurinesIn total,
Re ment pokemon forest
Re ment pokemon forest-Rement Pokemon Swing Vignette Collection (6 Pcs Box) Super cute!We are now opening selected Blind Boxes on the Otaku House Kuji Show This works just like the regular Kuji, but these babies comes in Blind Boxes There are 6 Rilakkuma prizes to be won!

ReMent (株式会社リーメント) is a Japanese company that specialises in miniature models for all different series In the case of Pokémon, ReMent is most wellknown for the Terrarium Collection and Pokémon Forest Figures, though of course they make many different types of miniatures for Pokémon ReMent didn't always produce Pokémon goods, and in fact the first time they♥ Licensed by ReMent ♥ Choose 1 of 6 designs of these Pokemon Starrium rements~ ReMent Pokemon Starry Night Starrium – Bunnifulwishes Free Shipping for United States orders equal or ReMent is no stranger to partnering with The Pokemon Company In addition to its Gemstone Collection, the toymaker released a collection of stained glass Pokemon figuresIn other merch news, the
A mystery blind box collectable figure featuring cute Pokémon in a Terrarium style Pokéball!It comes from the "Pokemon Gemstone" miniature series which features different kinds of Pokemon with gems The series includes the Pikachu & Pichu set, the Flareon set, the Milotic set, the Misdreavus set, theAmounts shown in italicised text are for items listed in currency other than Euros and are approximate conversions to Euros based upon Bloomberg's conversion rates For more recen
Imported from Japan Please Note These are "blind boxed" items ReMENT will release a new series of Pokemon terrariums on This time, the theme focuses on the seasons There will beCes petites figurines nous montrent ce qu'aurait pu être des flacons de parfums dans l'univers de Pokémon !

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